Turismo se consolida en Tlaxcala crece 6 por ciento anual: Marco Mena

Tourism is consolidated as one of the brightest activities in Tlaxcala, with a sustained growth rate of six percent per year in the number of visitors arriving to the state, expecting almost 530 thousand in 2018, said the Governor Marco Mena at the inauguration of the IX National Ibero-American Congress of Tourists Guides 2018.

In his message, Governor Mena highlighted the positive impact tourism has on the economy of the entity, since it generates economic benefits, greater investment in hotel infrastructure and offers opportunities that are consolidated in Tlaxcala.

In the Convention Center of the capital, Marco Mena explained that the tourism sector in the state continues to grow, while highlighting the connectivity of Tlaxcala, which places it in second place at the national level in road density, which allows moving to different areas of the state in a comfortable and safe way.

Prior to the official inauguration of the Ninth National Ibero-American Congress of Tourists 2018, Governor Marco Mena announced that, through the National Fund for Tourism Promotion (Fonatur), Tlaxcala is working on the design of a plan to invest in tourism infrastructure, protection of the environment and increase of the flow of visitors in the Sanctuary of the Luciérnagas, located in Nanacamilpa.

“With the support of the Federal Government, we are going to take pains to take care of the forest and habitat of this species, at the same time that we will expedite and open economic possibilities to take advantage of tourism,” he said.

In welcoming the tourist guides from all over the Mexican Republic and from different countries, Marco Mena emphasized that the State Administration will continue to work in coordination with the Legislative Power to join efforts in favor of workers in the sector and all people who benefit from the arrival of tourists.

In this sense, Governor Mena explained that in the tours made by tourist guides for emblematic places of the entity will find areas that illustrate the origin of Mexico, as the first baptismal font and the first pulpit of America, from which arose the work of evangelization in the country.

As part of the event, Governor Marco Mena, accompanied by federal and state authorities, toured the stands of artisans and Tlaxcalteca producers installed in the Convention Center and, later, the official photo was taken along with the assistants to the IX Ibero-American National Congress of Tour guides 2018.

In turn, María Angélica González Saravia Cos, General Director of Standardization and Regulatory Quality of the Secretariat of Federal Tourism, indicated that during the Congress the tourist guides will have the opportunity to be trained and to know the General Law of Tourism.

González Saravia Cos stressed that Tlaxcala was recognized during the Tourism Tianguis because it is the first state that has a register of all traditional cooks, while underlining the importance of the guides being trained, since they serve as ambassadors to visitors who they go to the country.

Meanwhile, Gabriel Chávez Villa, President of the Association of Certified Guides of Mexico, highlighted the presence of assistants from all over the Mexican Republic and countries such as Spain, Poland, Peru, Colombia and Brazil, who will strengthen their training, professionalization and updating.

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Chávez Villa emphasized that at the end of the Congress they will present the results to the Federal Tourism Secretariat and the Tourism Commission of the Congress of the Union, as well as to the states, with the aim of contributing to improve the rules that govern tourist guides certificates.

It should be noted that, as part of the program, different lectures will be held, alternative visits to museums and tourist sites of the entity, workshops, tours, as well as ecotourism and adventure activities.

Roberto Núñez Baleón, Secretary of Tourism attended the event; Mayra Vázquez Velázquez, President of the Tourism Commission of the State Congress; Juan Carlos Hernández Whaibe, President of the Hotel and Motel Association of Tlaxcala; Víctor Hugo Sánchez Flores, Municipal President of Nanacamilpa and Armando Vázquez Morales, President of the Organizing Committee of the IX Tourists Guides Congress 2018.

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